I feel terrible for not updating my blog since the beginning of the year, but so many new things have happened! I moved into my new place; it's a tiny little single that barely fits all of my stuff, but it makes me really happy. I have never lived alone and this new life has taught me many things about independence and taking care of yourself. I grew up rather spoiled and rotten because of my mother's incessant adoration, so it's been rather hard for me over the past three years to adjust. However, I think this time I've really settled into it. I can do it, I can live alone and be alone.
I just got internet at my new place too, so that's part of the reason why I haven't been blogging. I'm on track now though and I can feel all my motivation coming back! :) Some notable events that happened while I was MIA in the real world:
- Harriet came over and saw my new home and she liked it. :)))
- Finally finished The Wind Up Bird Chronicles by Haruki Murakami and it was as incredible as I thought it to be. I don't know why it took me so long to finish it, it's not like I wasn't interested, I guess my mind really was fucked last year.
- Started reading The Sex Rebels by Christopher Storm, which i got from The Last Bookstore in downtown chiefly because of the name of the book, and because of this hilarious input by the previous owner. ->
- Had the first exam in geogrpahy (I'm sure I did great!)
- Got offered a position at the Santa Monica College library.
- Applied to be a Workshop leader at the Sustainable Workshops I participated in last semester.

I will finish submitting the paperwork for the library gig on Tuesday and hopefully the workshop people get back to me by the end of the month, but by the looks of it, this spring semester looks like it's going to be a busy one. I also have plans of joining these three other clubs if time permits: the International Student Forum (to make more international friends), AGS (to do some community service or whatever), and the Feminist Majority Alliance. I really want to join all of these clubs and be one of those crazy "well-rounded" applicants for next fall, but it's not something I've ever done before. I know myself and sometimes I can really let myself down out of sheer laziness, but I don't want to be like that anymore. I want to stick to my goals and follow them through, especially if they are going to benefit me in the long run. I mean, I could really have a shot at getting accepted at Berkeley if I do everything right this semester and pick up my GPA. Either way though, I would be just as happy going to SFSU (it's closer to the city anyways, haha). My confidence is on an exponential scale at the moment and I have no intention on bringing it down.
Please be good to me, 2013~*~*~*~
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